5 Tips for Newbie Trail Captains

5 Tips for Newbie Trail Captains

You're a modern-day Lewis and Clark. You have trailblazing in your blood, and mud permanently caked on your shoes, which makes you the first choice as team captain for a Ragnar Trail. So grab your headlamp, map, and tent and get ready to lead your team to greatness. These five tips will help you succeed at being the team captain.

Tip One: Read the Trail Guide 

Read it, then read it again. Memorize it and sleep with it under your pillow. The Ragnar Official Trail Guide has the answers to all your race day questions from rules and regulations to logistics to course maps. 

Tip Two: Use Lists and Google Docs 

As team captain, you'll coordinate who brings what, how your team gets to the venue, and how much food you need. Use the Ultimate Packing List and a Google Doc to delegate who brings what. Or just ask your backpacker friend who owns everything to join your team.

Tip Three: Plan Ahead 

Now is the time to harness all of your organizational powers and plan early. Register during early registration (or VIP if you're a returner) to get the lowest price for your team. Plus, it will give you time to look for cheap flights or other travel options. And the more time you have to build your team, the more options you'll have.

Tip Four: Read the Blog 

In addition to awesome stories of total bada**es conquering Ragnar trails, the blog has tips and tricks to be the best captain ever. Comb through the blog to find tips on things like training tips, how to build a team, awesome team names, safety information, and more.

Tip Five: Be Flexible 

We don't want to say something is going to throw a wrench in your plans, but something is for sure going to throw a wrench in your plans. Whether it's someone's flight being delayed, forgetting your tent, a teammate getting injured or the weather being unpredictable, you have to be ready to roll with the punches. Eventually, the story about all eight of you cuddling by the fire pit in your sleeping bag to keep warm will be a story you tell over and over and over again.

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