3 Tips From Ragnar Relay Captains

3 Tips From Ragnar Relay Captains

Being a Ragnar team captain is a rewarding experience, but it also comes with its fair share of responsibilities. From managing logistics to motivating your team, the role requires organization, flexibility, and a sense of humor. To help make the journey smoother, we’ve gathered advice from seasoned captains who’ve been there, done that, and have the stories to prove it.

Sometimes, the logisitics of being captain are less than fun. But, to make sure the captain isn't left footing the bill, Nicole has some advice:

"I require all people pay their registration fee before I let them register on the site and once their fee is paid if they bail on the team, they are responsible for finding an alternate runner."- Nicole A. 

If you need a replacement, don't worry! We have lots of ways to help you find a new teammate. You can post on your race's Facebook event page, or drop a comment in our Official Facebook Group. Read more ways to build out your team here

As Captain, you wear many hats (other than your Captain's hat, of course): cheerleader, organizer, and sometimes, sub! When it comes to going the extra mile, Becky says:

"Be willing to jump in and run extra legs, whether replacing or running with your team to help them finish!"—Becky P. 

At the end of the day, Ragnar is about teamwork and going further together than you could on your own. If a runner needs a buddy in the dark (or they just need a little more motivation), the Captain steps up!

Just because you're the Captain, doesn't mean you can't have fun, too! This is just as much your race as anyone else's, so make sure you take the time to enjoy yourself. As Vicky says, 

"Take everything in stride. don't let it affect your experience or anyone else's. Roll with the punches, prepare for the hiccups, and eat a lot of peanut butter." Vicky M.  

As a captain, you set the tone for your team’s Ragnar adventure. With a little preparation, a positive mindset, and the willingness to adapt, you can make the experience unforgettable for everyone—including yourself! Remember, it’s not just about crossing the finish line; it’s about the camaraderie, the stories, and the miles shared together. So, take a deep breath, pack the peanut butter, and get ready to lead your team to an epic Ragnar finish.

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