7 Secrets All Ragnarians Should Know

7 Secrets All Ragnarians Should Know

Being a Ragnarian is almost like being part of the Illuminati. It's an exclusive club, there's a symbol that may or may not mean something, and once you’re a member, you learn all kinds of secrets. Before you run, we're willing to let you in on a few (but not all) of the secrets you'll learn by running your first Ragnar Relay. Here are seven:

1: It's Not All About the Running 

Yes, a Ragnar Relay is a running race. And yes, you will run anywhere between 12 and 26 miles. But, unlike traditional races, you don't run all your mileage at once. It's a team event that’s run relay style where your mileage is divided into three chunks. Between each leg, you'll have 11 people's runs worth of downtime. That means time to grab snacks, take a shower, sleep a tiny bit, look at Ragnar Gear, explore partner tents, cheer other people on, and bond with your teammates.

2: The Night Run is the Best Part 

When you hear that you'll be running in the dark, your first thoughts may range anywhere from "Oh, heck no" to "I'm terrified of bears" to "I think ghosts are real." In other words, you may have some nerves about running at night, but again and again, Ragnarians claim that the best part of a Ragnar is the night run. Once you calm your fears, you get to enjoy the rare experience of running under a billion stars on a calm road. It's almost life-changing.

3: You'll See Some Unforgettable Scenery 

Every single Ragnar Relay course takes you through some of the most breathtaking parts of the country. Some of it is places you never thought you'd see. And, when you slow down a bit, you'll get the chance to take in the view and watch the sunrise.

4: A Positive Attitude is Everything 

Ragnars are a bizarre mix of an endurance event and a sleepover (where you don't sleep). Even if you have the optimism of Jimmy Fallon, you’ll come across times when you either want to drive off without one of your van mates or you'll doubt your ability to finish. Overcoming these situations will make your experience more fun and make you a better person in the long run. Just remember to smile and have snacks on deck.

5: The Things that Go Wrong Make Your Experience More Memorable 

Just like a Griswold Family Christmas, a Ragnar is much more memorable when some things go astray. Though we don't recommend bringing jello in a cardboard box, be prepared to beat your van to an exchange, possibly get lost, get hangry, run in weird weather, and a slew of other things. And then, be prepared to laugh about it all later.

6: You Will Become Best Friends With Your Teammates 

In 24-36 hours, you'll go through a lifetime of experience with your van mates. You'll skip the awkward small talk and immediately jump to the poop jokes. Then, by the end of the race, you'll have a new running friend (and possibly more, as people have been known to meet their significant other at Ragnar).

7: It's Strangely Addicting 

Think of it in an If You Give a Mouse a Cookie way. Sure, you'll start by running one Ragnar. Then you'll want a double medal. Then you'll probably want the immortal medal to go with it. Every time you run a Ragnar, you'll have a different experience, have different teammates, run into different challenges, or try a different course. And it will keep you coming back for more.

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