Race Prep

5 Things All Ragnar Captains Need to Know

5 Things All Ragnar Captains Need to Know

Hey Captain! You've got a big job (and everybody knows it). Taking a team of runners on an epic adventure, overnight and in the wild? No pressure! But don’t sweat...

5 Things All Ragnar Captains Need to Know

Hey Captain! You've got a big job (and everybody knows it). Taking a team of runners on an epic adventure, overnight and in the wild? No pressure! But don’t sweat...

How to Build a Training Plan for Your Ragnar Race

How to Build a Training Plan for Your Ragnar Race

One of the most intimidating aspects of getting ready for a Ragnar is how to train. Ragnar races are unlike any other, and we’re here to help you build a...

How to Build a Training Plan for Your Ragnar Race

One of the most intimidating aspects of getting ready for a Ragnar is how to train. Ragnar races are unlike any other, and we’re here to help you build a...

5 Tips: How to Decorate a Ragnar Van

5 Tips: How to Decorate a Ragnar Van

The Ragnar Van at any Ragnar Relay is more than just your transportation in between legs. It’s an icon of your team. And how you decorate it can spread Ragnar...

5 Tips: How to Decorate a Ragnar Van

The Ragnar Van at any Ragnar Relay is more than just your transportation in between legs. It’s an icon of your team. And how you decorate it can spread Ragnar...

8 Essential Items for Your Ragnar Trail Campsite

8 Essential Items for Your Ragnar Trail Campsite

Creating the ultimate campsite at a Trail Relay is pretty much like creating an epic fort for the best sleepover ever. If you do it right, it will put the...

8 Essential Items for Your Ragnar Trail Campsite

Creating the ultimate campsite at a Trail Relay is pretty much like creating an epic fort for the best sleepover ever. If you do it right, it will put the...

5 Things to Do to Prepare for Your Night Run

5 Things to Do to Prepare for Your Night Run

There’s still a small part in each of us that still believes when you turn the lights out, there might actually be a monster under the bed. Or that when...

5 Things to Do to Prepare for Your Night Run

There’s still a small part in each of us that still believes when you turn the lights out, there might actually be a monster under the bed. Or that when...

4 Underrated Trail Training Tips You Need to Try Now

4 Underrated Trail Training Tips You Need to Tr...

Trail running can be a little intimidating. Some say it’s easier than road running, and others say it takes about six months of trial and error. Whichever way you sway, we’ve...

4 Underrated Trail Training Tips You Need to Tr...

Trail running can be a little intimidating. Some say it’s easier than road running, and others say it takes about six months of trial and error. Whichever way you sway, we’ve...